
Ready To Sell Pandere Products?

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Pandere Shoes fills an unmet need in the marketplace. Our shoes are designed for foot swelling and anomalous foot shapes. One of our super powers is fitting people with two different foot volumes.

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The Pandere Revolution began because CEO/Founder Laura Oden has had lymphedema for more than 40 years. Pandere was born out of her personal struggle to find shoes to fit.

Pandere shoes are engineered to expand in all the critical places where regular shoes hurt, pinch, or bind.

We've solved the problem of shoe fit for people who have foot swelling, a high instep, or have other troublesome anomalous foot shapes. Our shoes are designed to alleviate pain right out of the box.


Our customers tell our story.

Our customers keep coming back for more because the shoes really solve a problem. Most of our customers have been struggling for years to find a comfortable shoe to accommodate their foot swelling and other problems.
